Monday, December 24, 2007

Praxis II Physics Results

I just received my Praxis II Physics results. As I had hoped, I have also received a passing score on the physics test. The actual result was 175/200 with a Virginia passing score of 147. Based upon the information on the score report, the average score for the physics test is higher than the mathematics test. The average performance range is 137 to 166 so using a little math, it looks like the average score is around 151. The average performance range is the middle 50% of the scores. So anything higher than 166 is in the top 25% of scores. Unlike the math results, I didn't qualify for recognition of excellence which is the top 15% of scores. Therefore my score must have been between the 75% and 85% percentile. My best area was mechanics where I got 31/32 right. This is not surprising since I'm a mechanical engineer and mechanics is covered extensively in our curriculum. Surprisingly, I only got 4/8 right on the heat and thermodynamics part of the test. Since I taught thermo in college, I would have hoped to have done better. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention. Also I only got 4/8 right on the atomic, molecular and nuclear structure. Anyway, I'm pleased with the overall results. Now I can have both math and physics on my teacher's license.

1 comment:

Les, said...

Hi Steve, it's Les, the Bakewell blogger. I left a reply to your comment on my blog - did you read it?